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Aircraft Weathering Magazine No.5 "Metallics"

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by Ammo of Mig AMIG5205
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The Weathering Aircraft, your publication of choice focusing on painting and weathering techniques for aircraft models.  In this issue, we will show you how to work with the typical greens and grays, both key components of the majority of military camouflages. We will also explore bright colors such as yellow and red, as well as difficult tones like black. Several examples in a variety of different finishes are included: from planes used for air shows and kept in near mint condition, to well-worn machines ravaged by the effects of use and time. You will learn how to use the most appropiate base color depending on the specifics of each model, and explore working with different techniques and products. From the more traditional techniques to the latest innovations; all examples are clearly explained through detailed step by step articles by some of the finest modelers in the world.