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Manufacturer: SKU:
by Ammo of MIG AMIG6022
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Photographic compilation about  the King Tiger
tank. 56 pages. 32 color profiles included.

Great   photopraphic   compilation   where   it’s  
shown,  in  an  easy  and  depth  way,  the  most  im-
portant and unkown details about this tank.
The  definitive  modeler’s  guide  to  the  King  Tiger, 
this  highly  detailed  photographic  compilation  is 
a must have for modelers and historians. This es-
sential guide for the King Tiger covers previously
unknown details and critical details of this iconic
Inner parts, engine compartment and hidden de-
tails pictures.
Featuring fully detailed photo reference guide for
both  internal  and  external  details  including  inte-
rior details, engine compartment, and often over
looked external details features critical to both the
King Tiger and scale modelers.
Fun  and  easily  referenced  sourcebook  where 
you can analyze the interior and exterior details
of  this  legendary  tank,  through  in-depth  photo-
graphs and detailed explanations. Also included
for  modelers  is  a  guide  to  camouflage  schemes 
with full color and detailed profiles.
-56 pages, with more than 130 high quality pho-
tographs including rarely seen details. 
-32  fully  detailed  color  profiles  with  camouflage 
and markings.
-Information provided for each King Tiger variant,
both Porsche and Henschel turret.